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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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RHS School Gardening Award Level 3

We are delighted to report that we have now achieved the RHS School Gardening Award Level 3!

The children have been given this award for their fantastic work putting together the first of our big bug huts, next to the allotment at the front of the school, - together with our other little bug sites dotted around the school grounds.

Furthering the wildlife theme we have also now put in a bird feed area and our brand new frog village.

The children have been involved in all areas of construction including drilling, sawing, screwing, using snips, loppers and secateurs and tying in and generally bringing everything together.

We will be receiving a substantial number of free plug plants from Rocket Gardens as well as our certificate and are now starting work on obtaining Level 4. (There are 5 Levels in total).

If you would like to find out more you can find additional information on the RHS School Garden Scheme at:

Finally, just a note to say our Rocket Science seeds are currently in orbit on the International Space Station (ISS) and we will be receiving them in the new year ready to start our big science project with the RHS.

You can track the ISS at:

To see how they got into space:


