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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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Sports Premium Funding

The government provide each school with funds which are ringfenced and must be used to enhance the fitness and wellbeing of our pupils and their enjoyment of sport for a healthy, active future, as well as ensuring provision in school from staff is of a high standard and sustainable.

We are doing this in a number of ways:

All children from Year 1 -6 benefit from an hour of specialist sports coaching in a range of sports each week.

Our Teaching Assistants are being trained at the same time, with the planning also being available for use in school.

This term, children in reception have been enjoying physical activity outside in the Forest School Area. 

We have two new, fun  activities in the school hall, also funded through this Sports Premium, that help the children to develop their coordination and speed. they use gloves or a ball to follow the light up screens as fast as they can. It is great fun and super exercise. 

What we do now could, we hope, influence children’s attitudes towards living healthy lives in the future. 

