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Parents Notices – Up to Easter
Just to Recap plus some new events.
Fanboats workshop – Fieldmice class will be taking part in a stem workshop, making boats powered with fans, on Thursday 28th March in the morning. It promises to be great fun.
Marle Hall – On the last day of term, Friday 12th April, there will be a post Marle Hall sharing session. The children from Years 5 and 6 who went to Marle Hall will be released from their classes. They are writing about their experiences of the residential trip at the moment and we felt that it would be nice for them to share these with you. At the same time, you will be able to see lots of photographs from the trip which were taken by the Dassett staff and the staff from Marle Hall. Mrs Hanna is busy compiling these. If you would like to drop in, from 2:30 – 3:15 please do. The photographs and writings will also be able to be viewed after school until about 4:30.
Easter – Years 3/4/5 will be heading up the Easter assembly this year. They will be sharing lots of varied work about this important time of year in the Christian calendar. The rest of the school are also learning songs for the assembly. If you can come to see and take part in this Act of Collective worship, it will be on Friday 12th April in the morning at 09:15. It should last about 30 minutes.
Easter bonnet parade. _ The Abacus Easter bonnet parade will be taking place in the school hall at 11:00am on Wednesday 10th April.
Warwick Arts Centre Trip – Years 1 and 2 will be going on their fun and exciting trip to Warwick Arts Centre on 10th April
Class photographs – these will take place on Thursday 11th April. Please let us know if you do not want your child to be included in the class photograph. These photographs will be displayed in school, as they are now.
Friends of the Dassett events – Movie Night is on the 5th April. Check out the Friends page on Facebook for more information. Farmers’ Market – Saturday 11th May
Other Dates after Easter
Class assemblies –
Year 1 – Friday 24th May at 09:15
NB:-INSET DAY – 3rd June
Year 3/4 - Squirrels – Friday June 14th 09:15
Year 4/5 Fieldmice – Friday 21st June 09:15
Year 2 - Friday 5th July at 09:15
Year 6 – End of Year production – 11th July – evening times TBC
Sports Day – 28th June in the morning . More details will follow.