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Dear Parents and Carers,
Like me, you may have seen the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, regarding the easing of the Government’s Lockdown strategy and the reference made to some school children possibly returning to school.
“In step two – at the earliest by June 1 – after half term – we believe we may be in a position to begin the phased reopening of shops and to get primary pupils back into schools, in stages, beginning with Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.”
During the Prime Minister’s speech he talked about the possibility of reopening primary schools, in the first instance, to Reception, year 1 and year 6. We anticipate that further guidance will be issued today, which will give us more detail regarding how schools should approach this phased re-opening. Once we have gathered all the information, we will plan carefully and share those plans with you. We will be guided by the local authority and of course central government.
At the moment, it is not clear how the reintroduction of more significant numbers of pupils in school can be safely managed, particularly considering that Reception and Year 1 are very young children with whom social distancing is more difficult. However, we will keep you informed as we gather further information ourselves. We are also not clear about how opening school to more pupils, with social distancing and high ratios of teachers to pupils will affect the ability of those same teachers to provide for homeschooling. Again, we will let you know nearer the time - or as we know.
As you may have heard, construction workers and those who work in manufacturing have been cleared to return to work, if they cannot work from home. This does not mean that they are regarded as ‘Key Workers’ and the definition of this category remains unchanged. We will contact you if this situation changes. However, we will continue to support the children of Key Workers and vulnerable pupils as we do now.
I realise that the PM’s announcement may have brought with it more questions than answers for parents and school staff alike. Please be assured tha,t in our planning, for any model of return to school, we will do our upmost to mitigate for possible transition of COVID-19 within the realms of the guidance given.
The safety of all pupils, staff and parents is of paramount importance.
Keep Safe and well
Kind Regards
Miss Suzanne Corry